Enseignement et colonisation dans l’Empire français

Sixth Galway Conference on Colonialism

Sixth Galway Conference on Colonialism

EDUCATION and EMPIRE - 24-26 June 2010

Call for Papers

The aim of this inter­dis­ci­pli­nary confe­rence is to explore the role of edu­ca­tion in sha­ping, pro­mo­ting, and chal­len­ging impe­rial and colo­nial ideo­lo­gies, ins­ti­tu­tions and pro­ces­ses throu­ghout the modern world. We invite papers that address the fol­lo­wing themes :

  • the role of educational institutions, ranging from primary schools to institutions of higher education such as universities, missionary colleges, engineering and medical schools, and so on, in shaping imperial, colonial and global processes
  • the relationship between imperialism, colonialism and the development of modern knowledge systems, including new disciplines and new techniques of rule, particularly in areas such as science.
  • the development of curriculum innovation to meet the needs of empire
  • education about imperial history (during and after empire)
  • education and imperial and (post-)colonial models of childhood
  • education and the creation of professional diasporas
  • types and patterns of knowledge transfer within the framework of empire, including publications and broadcasting relating to education, science, technology, health and government, both between metropoles and colonies and within and between colonies
  • the insecurities or failures of imperial and colonial educational and knowledge practices, as well as of resistances to these practices
  • transitions in educational practice, either from pre-colonial to colonial or colonial to post-colonial eras

Since this confe­rence is being in part funded through a grant pro­vi­ded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences to an inter-uni­ver­sity group to explore the rela­tion­ship bet­ween empire and higher edu­ca­tion in Ireland, papers are espe­cially invi­ted for a strand explo­ring the par­ti­cu­la­rity of Irish ins­ti­tu­tions of higher edu­ca­tion in sha­ping the above pro­ces­ses, and of the role of higher edu­ca­tion in sha­ping Ireland’s ambi­guous colo­nia­lity.

Papers should be no longer than 20 minu­tes. Please submit an abs­tract, of not more than 300 words, to Fiona Bateman and Muireann O’Cinneide at www.confe­rence.ie/ before 31 January 2010

Dr. Deana Heath, Department of History, Trinity College

Dublin 2 - Ireland